So 56 million people (1-1/2 time the population of Canada) are quarantined in China due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Over 30 people in Britain have the disease and health experts there fear that the UK is on the brink of it's own outbreak. Some UK experts say this outbreak could be as bad as the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic that killed 50 million people.
Now a third confirmed case of the virus was found in Orange County, California. Not to be an alarmist, but I look at the medical rhetoric about the coronavirus being "a minimal risk of local transmission" with a jaundiced eye. It must transmit with at least some ease because the Chicoms admit to at least 56 million people being don't do that sort of thing unless there is a reason for it.
Knowing that medical professionals are still people and have the same habits the general population has like getting bored, working sloppily, cutting corners, etc., I am keeping a close eye on the "background" information versus the news coverage. Things just like in the above paragraph....officials here say there is a minimal risk of transmission versus the crash course preps already implemented in China. Any apparently conflicting information that shows a discontinuity between official accounts and actual actions taken is to be looked for. above link is a decent article decrying US hospitals being sloppy with administrating controls to prevent infections from spreading. The article points out that in Toronto Canada they had the same infection controls we have today and cited that two people infected with SARS virus showed up in Toronto and Vancouver hospitals.
The person in Vancouver did not spread SARS. The person in the Toronto hospital did spread SARS. 44 people died directly from the Toronto failure to contain the SARS virus. 77 % of the people who contracted SARS were hospital health care workers or patients in the hospital and 17% of the SARS cases got it at home from their family member who was in the Toronto hospital as a worker or patient. So, 84% of the cases were directly attributable to escape from the hospital. Remember, 44 people died and SARS is not nearly as communicable as this new Chinese coronavirus.
There only seems to be ~3% coronavirus mortality rate if the Chicoms are telling the truth...and truth for them would be a change. While SARS has a very high mortality rate around 14% I think there is no comfort in 3% with the heightened transmissibility that appears to be the case with coronavirus.