I'm not anti vax, but the flu shot messes me up bad enough to be extremely leery of any others for myself.
I'll take my chances as always.
What doesn't kill you might not make you stronger, but it DOES make you more resistant.
In this case I am anti-vax because the treatment is not a vaccine as we know it. I'm reading a lot about how it may be causing an outburst of the various strains because the body's immune system is not prepared like a regular vaccine prepares it. Some caution that the treatments will cause more virulent strains to evolve.
There is so much disinformation and rank BS out there from talking heads who knows what to believe. At first we were told if you had it you would get no natural immunity and then you would only get 1 to 3 months. Now the natural immunity time is 6 or more months and I'm wondering what it is about the Wuhan Lab flu that makes it's mechanism any different towards natural immunity than other flu?
We were told masks were no good and now we are told filthy dirty masks that people carry around in their pockets are good and anyone with 1/2 a meth head brain knows that isn't true.
I pretty much quit the BS back mid-summer 2020 because I'm not going to live restrained and I'm not scared to die. I prefer to live free. I still feel that way despite having known 2 people fairly close to me dying of the booger in the last month. Some people live...some people die and its always going to be that way.
Now we can see the vaccination passport requirement on the horizon. It's easy to understand why the commies operate with bribes as a commonplace arrangement for daily living.