Author Topic: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?  (Read 3470 times)


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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2020, 06:01:40 PM »
I buy 50 pound bag of steel cut oats from a amish store. That is one month of breakfast for my family. Family of 9. I think it is 15 dollars. We get peter pan peanut butter from sams club. Large container and brown sugar. Mix spoonful of peanut butter and brown sugar and the oatmeal taste like no bake cookies. Beans, rice from sams club. Get food grade buckets from delis in your area. They usually throw them away. Mine sells them to me for way less than the buying on line. Store foods in buckets.
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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2020, 08:13:53 AM »
I buy 50 pound bag of steel cut oats from a amish store. That is one month of breakfast for my family. Family of 9. I think it is 15 dollars. We get peter pan peanut butter from sams club. Large container and brown sugar. Mix spoonful of peanut butter and brown sugar and the oatmeal taste like no bake cookies. Beans, rice from sams club. Get food grade buckets from delis in your area. They usually throw them away. Mine sells them to me for way less than the buying on line. Store foods in buckets.


Rice, beans, oatmeal, grits, sugar, brown sugar, flour, pasta, blueberry pancake mix, salt, sugar, etc.  Add peanut butter, powdered butter, canned meats, dried fruits, large container condiments, spices, etc. and you'll do fine for cheap.  And it will be taste better than the MRE's.....
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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2020, 08:44:45 AM »

Rice, beans, oatmeal, grits, sugar, brown sugar, flour, pasta, blueberry pancake mix, salt, sugar, etc.  Add peanut butter, powdered butter, canned meats, dried fruits, large container condiments, spices, etc. and you'll do fine for cheap.  And it will be taste better than the MRE's.....

All good things but a diabetic nightmare!  LOL


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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2020, 08:49:19 PM »
All good things but a diabetic nightmare!  LOL

I suppose so not having any experience with that.
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2020, 10:05:14 PM »
I suppose so not having any experience with that.

Carbohydrates are great for a working liver and pancreas...and very active folks.

Not so much for diabetics...  I struggle but manage it pretty well.  I could be normal if I lost thirty pounds.


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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #15 on: Today at 11:35:27 AM »


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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2020, 12:46:50 PM »
Timothy, I'm working on that now, I've lost about 15, but have about 25 to go.
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The problem with society today is that not enough of us drink wine from our enemies skulls”.

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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2020, 01:51:04 PM »
Timothy, I'm working on that now, I've lost about 15, but have about 25 to go.

Good for you!

Over two years I’m down from 296 to 274.  Really need to get to 230 but it’s tough with my maladies...


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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2020, 03:31:33 PM »
I have put on about 15# since the 1st of the year.  I know a big part of that is i am not doing physical  labor like i was before.  No need for me to eat 3500-4000 calories a day.  I cut back to about 2500, but i really need to be closer to 2k.  Protion control is hard for me as i love to cook and i at least one meal a day am just cooking for myself.   Its really hard to cook  for one.   For the past week i have been cooking for 2 teenagers plus me and the misses.  I swear they have hollow legs.
I always break all the clay pigeons,  some times its even with lead.


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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2020, 05:58:24 AM »
Carbohydrates are great for a working liver and pancreas...and very active folks.

Not so much for diabetics...  I struggle but manage it pretty well.  I could be normal if I lost thirty pounds.

I lost that much when we moved last Summer in the desert heat, (115 F to 120 F). I went from around 228-232 all the way down to 198. So far I've been able to keep it off. This morning I'm at 202.... A bit over one year later. The best thing has been my feet and legs feel a LOT better not having to carry that extra weight around. 232 - 198 = 34 pounds. That's the equivalent of walking around 24/7 with one of those big landscaper backpack power blowers strapped on you all the time.

I've been up to 207, and down to 200. But I seem to stay in that range. As I've gotten older my appetite has gone down, which really helps. Now, one small helping leaves me full. Before I was always eating seconds and thirds. I'm no good at meaningless exercise. Treadmills, stair climbers, and jogging. (I got rid of my treadmill when we moved last year). And gym's don't excite me. Besides, the one gym here in town went out of business from the whole COVID thing.

So I'm hoping this is the weight range that suits my current metabolism. That's the biggest problem. If your metabolism doesn't break food down well enough, it's not going to matter. Because you'll just end up like Oprah. That woman has lost and gained literally hundreds of pounds, with all of her seemingly endless dieting. Her metabolism doesn't allow her to keep it off. Even with a normal diet, she'll gain all of it right back. People like that have to walk around starving all the time, or else the weight goes back on twice as fast as it came off. They are literally on a never ending diet, or else they're overweight.   

Big Frank

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Re: Who Knows About MRE Meals & Food Storage ?
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2020, 12:46:01 AM »
Not great for diabetics but beans, rice and corn together will give you a complete protein that none of them has by itself. If you don't eat meat you have to make sure to get "the whole protein package" from a variety of foods. A lot of vegetarians don't get it right and are really unhealthy. Nothing a cheeseburger couldn't help, but "cheese used to have a face", or whatever their reasoning is.

I have a 72 hour freeze-dried food package that's guaranteed to be good for 25 years. After that it will still be edible but will have less and less vitamin content as time goes by. MREs are only good for 10 years IIRC, maybe 20 if stored in ideal conditions but that never happens. That's from the original packing date anyway, and not when you buy them which may be years later if they're real MREs that were sold as surplus. IIRC I bought some that were about 2 years old. And military MREs are sometimes unpacked, examined, and repacked so they'll have more than one date on the case. And they may not all originally be from the same case. The "civilian MREs" I recently read about were really bad. Besides the too small portions, a case with 12 meals has UP TO so many varieties in it, 4 I think. Some people were getting one of one meal, 2 of another and 9 of another, or something like that. I think one guy said his variety was only 2 kinds of meals. Other people if they were lucky got 3 kinds of chili plus sloppy joes or beef barbecue. Real MREs have 12 different meals in a case. If there's one meal in there you really hate, you'll only have one of them, not a half-dozen or so.

Some people refer to MREs as Meal Refusing to Exit and such. I never lived on them long enough to know if they cause constipation or not. I ate C-Rations, MCIs actually but everyone called them C-Rations, and MREs in the army. I don't know how high the calorie content is but one MRE should be enough to live on for a whole day unless you're burning more calories than usual. Sometimes we ate MREs for lunch for 6 weeks at a time, plus ate breakfast and dinner. We weren't working extremely hard in the field but no one got fat eating them. If you ate them for 2 or 3 meals a day they could very well plug you up, I don't know, but one out of 3 meals a day was okay as long as you drank some water now and then. If I drank half a cup of water a day like my mom instead of half a case of bottled water, I don't think I'd $h!t for a week whether I was eating MREs or not. I was in the army before MREs had ration heaters in them so if you were walking around with your MREs for lunch in the winter, you wouldn't want to put them in the cargo pockets of your BDU pants where there fit really well. You were better off putting them inside your coat or your shirt for your body heat to keep them warm. You can eat them cold but body temperature is better than cold, and hot is better yet. After I got out of the army I bought a couple of cases of them for quick, easy meals when camping, but most of the time a can of chili, beef stew, or soup was just fine. All I had to do was heat it on a folding stove with a heat tab. And it's a lot easier to cook it in a pot or canteen cup than it is to cook it in the can.

MCIs, not C-Rations. -->,_Combat,_Individual_ration
""It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even his personal services to the defence of it, and consequently that the Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at a Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency." - George Washington. Letter to Alexander Hamilton, Friday, May 02, 1783

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