Why doesn't she sue the nearest Indiana gun store because they aren't clairvoyant and can't tell who's a straw purchaser or not?
Oh wait, she is.
Didn't read the article, just taking a chance to #1, say something rude about Chitcago,(I dropped FB
#2 just point out an observation.
#1, What Chicago really needs is Gun Site for gangbangers. Apparently those f#ckers couldn't hit their own ass with both hands and a map.
#2 What they should do is set up a "Small Claims" court that overlooks drugs, prostitution, etc, and JUST rules on the merits of the case.
"Is Miguel trespassing on Leroy's corner , Or has Leroy's possession lapsed, leaving it open ?"
Judge Judy for gangsta's.
It's a business, they would be less likely to shoot each other if they had an option.
Illegal guns are just like drugs and hookers, they are a commodity traded with in small networks, Hell's Angle's have guy's they know, Hispanic gangs know people, Mafia same, Every one" has a guy", or "Knows some one",