This CCP flu was hijacked to achieve communist/socialist/marxist/leftist/liberal political goals.
The real politics is that the NIH funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab. And...it's part of the CCP biological warfare effort.
I know not everyone in the government is stupid and unknowledgeable about this. I was told this stuff leaked from a lab and to get ready before Thanksgiving 2019. But the leftist on the top are letting this travesty slide to achieve their aims and goals.
What the idiots in government, academia, news media, etc. who are turning their traitorous backs on the U.S. fail to realize is that when the communist/marxists/socialists take control they are smart enough to not trust the traitors that helped them get into power. These idiots supporting the left think it's going to be great for them. In reality, it may be a very thing for them if we're finally overthrown.
See references on "The Night Of The Long Knives."