I think it was one or two days after I posted in May about making a notch in one of the TopStops, to make it easier to wrap a cable lock around an upper with the TopStop on it, that I did. I didn't use my grinder like I was thinking about doing. A day or two before I posted, I dressed my grinder's wheels, and adjusted the tools rests, which were too far out to be safe. Then I adjusted the spark guards over the top of the wheels until they were almost touching. I even took off the plastic shields that I haven't used in several years because they were too dirty to see through, and cleaned them off. After all that I didn't want to fudge up my grinder with plastic, like I wouldn't normally hesitate to.
Instead, I stuck a piece of masking tape on each side of the TopStop, got out a pencil, measuring tape, and combination square, to draw my lay-out lines. I centered the notch as close to dead-center between these two ribs to compromise the strength as little as possible. The horizontal flange above the ribs extends lengthwise past three ribs, but beyond these two the furthest. I wanted to use a 1/4" drill bit to get a nice 1/8" radius on the corners, but only wanted the notch to be 3/16" deep, so I put a piece of 1x scrap next to it in the vise for the bit to overlap onto 1/16". But first I had to drill 1/8" pilot holes, and that's when everything went to &^%$. I had two 1/8" drill bits setting side by side on the bench, one that was brand new out of the package, and one that I tried unsuccessfully to resharpen after breaking the tip off. I had the new one there as an example so I could figure out how to sharpen the old one. I grabbed the new one and put it next to my other tools when I was laying things out, then forgot about it.
When it was time to start drilling, I went upstairs for a water break first, came back down to the basement, grabbed the old bit that wouldn't bite, and proceeded to tear one corner of the masking tape apart. Everything was as precise as I could get it with the tools I had up until that point. Then instead of sticking a new piece of tape on and re-marking that corner hole, I just said aw, screw it. I put the new drill bit in and drilled the hole somewhere around where it ought to have been, then drilled the other three holes. After that I used my coping saw to remove the big pieces from the bottom of the notch, and the four points the drill left on the corners. I'm sure glad I have a coping saw. I just couldn't cope without it. I wasn't coping well with anything at that moment, and after a few minutes of filing quit for the day. I haven't picked it up and finished it yet either, and one side of the notch is still longer than the other. Eventually, some day, I'll look at it and feel more ambitious than disgusted about it, and finish the job. I need to flatten out the bottom of the notch, get both sides the same width, round off the outside corners a bit, and hit it with some flat black paint. A chainsaw sharpening file should work well on the inside corners but I don't have one.