Last night my friend texted me pictures from the cabin. Since it's a 3-day weekend he went up there to work on stuff, or go snowmobiling the first time in a few years there was enough snow to ride on. Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter. It only matters to his wife that he went away, and left her alone. When he retires he can live at the cabin all winter, and she can live there all summer so he won't get on her nerves.

Nah, she'd never let the house be destroyed by guys while she's away that long.

I don't know how much it snowed or how fast, but he had to get the snowblower out of the garage/shed to clean out the driveway so he'll be able to come home. This is about halfway between Mio and Lewiston, the 2 cities I marked on Google Maps. It's a good deal north in the mitten from here, so it "up north" but not "way up north" across the bridge. And when people in Michigan simply say the bridge, there can only be one bridge they're talking about. The one between the state of Michigan and the 51st state, the State of Superior.
The second picture is from the door of the garage. The third picture is facing right at the back of the cabin. The little hut against the wall is where the propane tanks for the stove are. The last pic is going past his mom's little cabin, back out to the private trail 3/8 of a mile away that leads to the road. It takes a lot of 3/8 mile trips to clear the whole driveway. If I was there, I'd tell him to sit on the front rack of the ATV and operate the snowblower, while I drive really slow in low range. Forget about all that walking. That's a big, heavy duty pickup he drives, not a regular one, so the snow is even deeper than it looks.