The Benchmade Mini Claymore automatic knife like mine, and the full-size Claymore knife, both have Easter Eggs in the form of Morse Code molded into the Grivory handles. Grivory is a blend of things like Nylon 6T/66 with glass fibers similar to Zytel, or similar composites, and can replace metals for many uses. The Morse Code on the knife handles
..-. - . is the letters FTE. I really didn't get what that meant it until someone at Benchmade explained it to me, then I felt kind of dumb. It's short for Front Toward Enemy, as is molded onto the front of every M18A1 Claymore mine.

And just like my Milspin Snap-Back Velcro Hat with a Curved FRONT TOWARD ENEMY Metal Morale Patch. Mine is OD Green Cerakoted brass on a black cap just like in the picture.