I got some Liberty Ammo today. I never bought any before because I thought the super light and fast bullets were a gimmick and wouldn't penetrate deep enough. They have a line of ammo called Overwatch that uses heavier bullets than the Civil Defense ammo. The Overwatch .45 ACP weights 105 grain, and the velocity of 1600 FPS gives it 604 Foot-Pounds of Energy. Civil Defense 45 ACP+P weighs 78 grains, and the velocity of 1900 FPS gives it 600 Foot-Pounds of Energy. The 105 grain bullet should penetrate more the 78 grain bullet.
I bought one box of the Overwatch to try out, and one box of .380 ACP Civil Defense. It's blemished ammo with the heads dyed red for identification. I'll try these in my LCP. The bullet weighs 50 grains, and the velocity of 1500 FPS gives it 250 Foot-Pounds of Energy. Both are loaded in GFL brass -- Giulio Fiocchi, Lecco, Italy. Some people who reload say Fiocchi brass is great, and others say it goes straight in the trash. It may have off center flash holes, or split the necks after a couple reloads. I don't reload, so as long as it goes bang it should be okay. They also make Ultra-Lights that use the same Civil Defense projectiles with Shell Shock Technologies’ two-piece cases.
And I got one box of Steel Plate & Range .223 ammo with SinterFire lead-free, frangible projectiles. The bullet weight is 55gr at a velocity of 3100 FPS, giving it 1173 Foot-Pounds of Energy. I already have sub-sonic ammo, and regular .223 ammo in several bullet weights, but didn't have any frangible ammo. Now I do. There was Christmas sale when I ordered the three boxes of ammo.