Where that spinning steel plate cut my finger, it was swollen, and shiny red behind the scabbed over part. I finally decided to clean it up earlier tonight/last night. I used my razor sharp Outdoor Edge knife to whittle the scab off, then scrubbed my finger with rubbing alcohol and a triple size cotton ball. I don't buy regular cotton balls anymore, just the triple size. After I scrubbed it a few times with new cotton balls, I used a round toothpick to scrape the dried blood out of the crack between the skin and nail. It's still sensitive to touch because of how deep the wound is, but it looks a lot better and feels better too. It's still swollen and shiny looking but less red. It should heal up just fine. About the only time I need antibiotics is if I have an ear infection. My body fights off all other bacteria on its own. Viruses are a whole different matter.
I sanded down the top and shelf of the workbench a little while ago. I made myself a little seat to sit on when I sanded the shelf. When the second quarter-sheet of 80 grit on my palm sander didn't look like it was doing anything, I called it -- Good Enough. Some of the plastic wood wasn't fully cured because I put down one layer where I probably should have put two, letting it dry in between. Good Enough For Government Work. Then I got a rag, which was half of an old bath towel, soaked it completely and wrung it out, then wiped down the top and shelf on the bench. I just finished up around 4:30 am. I went to bed several hours ago, but was back up an hour later, so I got some work done. My lower back is kind of stabby and I ran out of muscle relaxers months ago. If my back feels better, and I feel okay in general, I may have the bench painted before the weekend is over. But probably not. It doesn't take long to paint the way I slather it on, but the shelf will need a second coat since it's raw particleboard.