1st tank of fuel 16.2 mpg. 2nd tank 14.1, but for about 150 miles i towed 11k#
Trying to find a bodyshop to fix the clear. super common prob for the vintage. still debating on a gear vender over drive. It is really only useful at 70+ as you need to maintain about 1400rpms to keep the 4r100 happy. an extra 22% od at 80 would be nice. still at 4k+ you have to have your drive shafts modified. you never actually break even when it comes to $. still having what amounts to 8 gears can be very useful.
I cant tell you how much i miss having a diesel. just being able to let the turbo spool up for more power is very nice.
my last truck was the 1st non diesel and 2wd i have owned in almost 20 years.
you know what they say about temporary fixes. they are permeant until they break again.