As someone who's in pain every day, I can tell you a few things about it. First of all, it sucks! As if you didn't already know that. Secondly, it usually gets better with time. And lastly, if it doesn't get better, you might get used to it, eventually. I've had headaches for 16,000+ days in a row, my knees have been screwed up for at least 50 years, I've had arthritis for decades, and besides all the daily crap, I have chronic problems that flare up at least monthly if not weekly. It might take a couple decades of daily pain to get used to it like it did for me, but I wouldn't know how to act if I had a day without pain. I'd probably go out and do something stupid, and end up hurting myself.

Get well soon, TAB. I guess I had 43 rough years too. I think that's how old I was when I went on permanent disability.