Author Topic: Killing America, Part 1  (Read 1311 times)


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Killing America, Part 1
« on: December 08, 2008, 05:28:52 PM »
Lets examine how America has, and is being killed. In the main by two methods: (1) Currency destruction, and (2) Weakening the populace. The currency destruction is inseparably linked to the second method. Before FDR, people used to plan for their retirement, save in sound dollars, own a home, or in a hundred ways, plan for old age. Americans were strong, intelligent, hard working, and knew that if they didn’t plan for retirement and old age, they might die early. Did it work? Of course! Naturally, the weak and stupid didn’t plan for their old age, and guess what? They died early, which is as it should have been. Just like stupid animals, they couldn’t survive if they didn’t act and plan properly. An animal has to find a place to live, build a nest, store food, and the like. People had to pay their debts, pay off their home, save money, and PLAN. If they did, all was OK. If they didn’t, they died early. The human strain was kept strong by this method, just like in the animal kingdom.

What stopped this necessity to plan and save? Social Security, for one. Government would take care of the oldsters, and remove their duty and necessity to care and plan for themselves. Government would force a deduction from their paychecks, put it away for them, and then when they retired, all would be well. This, of course, weakened the populace. They no longer had to plan, save, sacrifice, and work hard for their old age. The weak no longer failed and died. They lived, and continued to live, when they should have, by all logical means, been dead and buried. By staying alive, they became and become a burden on the rest of the populace and families. Does this sound coarse, mean, crude, and ungodly? Maybe it does to you, but it is so logical. The Social Security scheme, like all other government “plans” and bureaucracies, have ruined the value of the dollar. Forced, compulsory, Social Security, like all other government entitlements, has become a disaster. There are far more retirees than workers, and the original 1% deduction, now is close to 20%, still not enough, thereby weakening all of us. As if that weren’t bad enough, government continues to lie about inflation, which it causes, so the welfare checks are far less than they should be; thereby screwing the supposedly well cared for recipients. No one can live on a Social Security check today, even though we have all been forced to pay through our noses to support it. The entire American citizenry has been made weaker, made unable to care for itself, and at the same time been stolen from in a wholesale manner. Government then, is killing its citizens and itself at the same time.
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Re: Killing America, Part 1
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 02:14:59 AM »
You base your rant (can't think of anything else to call it right now ) on a false premise, that SS payments were forced, According to the bill FDR put in place participation, therefor payments , were voluntary


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Re: Killing America, Part 1
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2008, 06:15:34 AM »
You base your rant (can't think of anything else to call it right now ) on a false premise, that SS payments were forced, According to the bill FDR put in place participation, therefor payments , were voluntary

They may have been voluntary to start with.  The only people I know not paying these days are either out of work or receiving a SS payment.

What was supposed to be, is not.  Increasingly, is not in other areas.  Reality is what is enforced...not what is supposed to be...and reality is the basis of how things work.  See the thuggies and the Katrina gun grab, etc.
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  • Thomas Jefferson: “Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just”
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Re: Killing America, Part 1
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2008, 09:54:19 AM »
You base your rant (can't think of anything else to call it right now ) on a false premise, that SS payments were forced, According to the bill FDR put in place participation, therefor payments , were voluntary
This is not my rant,(I just happen to agree with it) I merely copied another person's rant, I copied the link to the whole rant below.
I would suggest trying to get a job without having to pay SS tax, it won"t happen, the only choice is employment paying SS tax, or unemployment.
Rights are like muscles, when they are not exercised they atrophy.


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