Author Topic: MOVEON is trying to Move On.  (Read 3516 times)


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Re: MOVEON is trying to Move On.
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2008, 11:55:01 PM »
3)  Improve public schools. 

My answer, absolutely destroy the public schools.
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Re: MOVEON is trying to Move On.
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2008, 02:14:30 PM »
3)  Improve public schools. 

My answer, absolutely destroy the public schools.

No, that is not the answer. Limiting educational opportunities was long the chosen method by which the Church and state controlled the populace, if you can not read you have to take the word of the person who can, usually the local Govt. officials or Priest.
Public secular education was started in dark ages France when the King realized that he needed people who could read and write to properly administer his kingdom, but if he relied on the Church he could never trust their loyalty, in the event of a dispute between King and Pope their loyalty would go to the source of their education.
The answer to the problem is to eliminate "tenure" among teachers. The rest of us are subject to being fired for poor quality work, why should teachers be any different ? Perhaps if teachers were held responsible for the test results of their students they would return to the proven method of teaching HOW to think and quit trying to teach WHAT to think.
Locally we have a socialist activist "Professor" at a local college who writes a weekly column in the news paper, this past monday he mentioned that many in the area have proposed an end to tenure and went on to spend many column inches talking about educators and dissent, what he failed to mention was that if he spent more time teaching and less time dissenting his students would be better qualified for their jobs.

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Re: MOVEON is trying to Move On.
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2008, 04:32:03 PM »
3)  Improve public schools. 

My answer, absolutely destroy the public schools.

Actually it's a lot easier than that.   Let each parent decide where their students go to school, be it private or public.    The "per student" amount goes to the school the student decides to attend.    Competition will take care of the rest of it.
Will work for ammo
USAF MAC 437th MAW 1968-1972


  • Semper Vigilantes
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Re: MOVEON.ORG down to DefCon 4
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2008, 04:43:07 PM »
I started this post to alert everyone that MoveOn was on the move, in case they decided to zero in on gun control.   Good news is they haven't.  Not even in the top 10.  Geo Saros and company do bear constant watching BECAUSE, they could work gun control into almost any of these issues. so, it's down to DefCon 4 for now.   

Here are their key issues for the coming year by percentage of "members" voting.
1.     Universal health care      64.9%
2.    Economic recovery and job creation    62.1%
3.    Build a green economy, stop climate change    49.6%
4.    End the war in Iraq    48.3%
5.    Improve public schools    21.6%
6.    Restore civil liberties    16.8%
7.    Hold the Bush Administration accountable    15.2%
8.    Gay rights/LGBT equality    8.6%
9.    Increase access to higher education    7.6%
10.    Reform campaigns and elections    5.7%
Will work for ammo
USAF MAC 437th MAW 1968-1972


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