I have some Sierra ammo, including that .223 55 grain BlitzKing Prairie Enemy, and at half-off I would buy a bunch if I didn't just buy 900 rounds of 50 grain JHP ammo. I still might buy some, but not mass quantities.
Cor-Bon .45 ACP +P 165-grain JHPs are the defensive ammo I have the most of. I'll experiment with SIG Elite V-Crown +P and lots of other ammo, but the Cor-Bon is what I always fall back on.They claim a Velocity of 1,250 FPS, and Energy of 573 ft-lbs. That's on par with the energy level of lots of .357 magnum ammo, and better than some. But with 15+1 rounds instead of 6 rounds, the .357 is seriously lacking in total firepower. That's 9,168 ft/lbs total energy in my 5" .45, and 12,033 if I have a 20-round mag in it instead of 15. A couple more rounds and it would be about like a single round of .50 BMG, butt I can't shoot a .50 BMG one-handed.