Author Topic: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio  (Read 16135 times)


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2009, 10:41:23 PM »
I totally agree with you......While I love strong women, I value their sensibility far more.  And when a woman feels she has something to prove; she will beat that path bare. 

To completely take this discussion off topic.......

I think you summarized very smartly what happens when feminism runs to its extremes.

For me what I like in a woman is one who is fully developed intellectually and emotionally. She has enough of the old fashioned values that allow a man to do for her but knowing full well she is capable of doing them herself if she desires. She is smart, capable, confident and assured- all of these qualities are very sexy to me.

Now back to the topic......


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2009, 11:50:24 PM »
To completely take this discussion off topic.......

I think you summarized very smartly what happens when feminism runs to its extremes.

For me what I like in a woman is one who is fully developed intellectually and emotionally. She has enough of the old fashioned values that allow a man to do for her but knowing full well she is capable of doing them herself if she desires. She is smart, capable, confident and assured- all of these qualities are very sexy to me.

Now back to the topic......


"Governments don't live together, people live together.  With governments you don't always get a fair word or a fair fight.  Well, I've come to give you either one.  Or get either one from you."  Josie Wales


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2009, 12:01:52 AM »
To completely take this discussion off topic.......

I think you summarized very smartly what happens when feminism runs to its extremes.

For me what I like in a woman is one who is fully developed intellectually and emotionally. She has enough of the old fashioned values that allow a man to do for her but knowing full well she is capable of doing them herself if she desires. She is smart, capable, confident and assured- all of these qualities are very sexy to me.

Now back to the topic......
Got to jump in here to point out a point of disagreement, just the readers are clear where we stand. Not that I want argue because you're entitled to your opinion, and as you say it may be a bit off topic, but when has that mattered on this board? ;D The thing is that what coroner is talkng about isn't "feminism pushed to extremes" its just the reaction of someone who knows or thinks, that a woman has to work twice as hard and be twice as tough as a man to be taken seriously as a supervisor. As I said before, you reap what you sow. Generations of sexism, cause a lot of women to (often rightly) feel they're not really in the club, but being talked down to or ignored. This pisses folks off. Its not a female thing its a human thing. Race, gender sexual oreintation all of these are irrelevant to who we are as individuals and we all, particularly straight white guys like us, need to take it into account. I AM NOT saying we need to guilty or anything remotely like it. Rather, that because we've rarely had to feel that we had to anything more than the job or that we had to prove something, we need to recognize it when we see it, and try to make sure that we don't send off the "no  girls in club house vibe" and treat individuals as individuals. Maybe its a generational thing but I don't want a woman who'll let a man do for her. I want someone who is as strong tough and stubborn as me. I think that gender is as meaningless as race, other than the irrelvant biological trivia and the whole toliet seat issue. If you prefer an old fashioned girl there's plenty of them and nothing wrong with that. Me, I want a gun toting feminist who would let me do for her the day after she's dead.


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2009, 12:30:38 AM »
I'm not going to put words in Rastus' mouth, but I THINK what he was trying to convey was that our political discourse has been skewed heavily toward the issues that concern women since they ratcheted up their involvement in politics from the '60's onward. In other words, things like Social Security, universal health care, reproductive rights, and public safety are all things that most women care about. And some have used these issues to advance a very socialist agenda, an agenda that is very hostile to our 2A rights. Therefore if men want their issues heard and acted upon, they must get reengaged in the process and start working to reshape the debate.

If one watches the local or national news, one will notice that many of the reporters and anchors are women. Naturally, they are going to report the news from a view point that relates to women. I'm not suggesting that there is some grand cabal out there trying to emasculate the men in the political discourse. But if one watches the news, even the advertising on television, is made for and heavily promoted for women.

And before any slams me for being a chauvinist, I gave a much broader and deeper speech in college on this subject and the intellectually honest women and men agreed with me. The ones who had an ax to grind attempted to marginalize and discredit me.....

I agree on a lot of the facts and I think its a good thing. If I'm hearing you correctly you are saying:
1)50% of our population stood up for themselves and are now represented. Bringing in a new perspective brought new issues into political prominance, as what was considered private and "apolitical" when men didn't have to do it, all of a sudden became a matter of public concern; just like workplace issues like wages, hours and freedom of contract were always political because they were mens issues. Having women reporters meant that issues pertaining to women that had been ignored by men, became newsworthy, because just like men, women tend to address those things  they feel most strongly about.
2) Advrtisers are now catering to this new species known as "woman". Largely because both male and female researchers finally noticed that women watch more TV and do most of the household shopping, even in two income households. Its just like how the media discovered old farts.I swear to God, I diagnose myself with a dozen different diseases and know the namee the wonder pill to cure them just from watching an hour of cable news. Wheres Geritol when you need it? Its called following the money.
As far as 2A stuff goes once again its because hunting and guns and the military were considered a male thing. No girls allowed the club house. Don't trouble yourself little lady, you've got a big strong man to protect you. You wonder why women aren't as into this as men are? It just wasn't part of the culture. Doing ROTC in the late eighties I was with the first generation of women who could expect to be taken seriously as officers. Even then the patriachal, patronizing views that women were too delicate to be in combat, kill somebody or horrors be captured and raped (as though tihs never happens to male POWs), were offensive to lot of my male classmates. The thing is we reap what we sow. BUT with ccw laws, the take back the night movement a strong, individualistic sense of feminism that tells women my age (pushing forty) and younger that they won't be victims ,we are seeing a marked increase in women getting involved in defense issues and the shooting sports. Its just like women's sports, you want them to get involved take them seriously.
Equality, respect and capitalism. As a good libertarian, I like it!! Girls are Cool

What a load of crap.  Look at the Presidents we had BEFORE women got the vote, Lincoln, TR REAL statesmen, look what we've had since. Kennedy, carter, Clinton,now this piece of crap. That turd Kerry got votes because he "had nice hair".
The excessive female influence on America culture is why we are over run with genderless touchy feely metrosexual slugs.
The average American "male" (I will not call them "men" because they aren't) has only 2 things on his mind, nailing some twenty something bimbo with big boobs and pacifying the domineering pseudo dyke he's married to.
Think I'm wrong, what's all this "uni sex" crap, hair stylists,  30 brands each of deodorant, after shave, etc. If you fart at a bean supper you'll be just about run out of town.
The genders have their places in the world, you can't saw a chicken into lumber and you can't fry a tree.
I'm a MAN, I EARN my living by WORKING, I burp and fart and when I sweat I stink. I don't respect phonies, and I think Nancy Pelosi's husband would back hand if he had any balls left but he's from Ca.
and any one offended by that can kiss my unperfumed, butt.

Rant Off  ;D
I started this post disgusted by the attitude of "all hail the sacred female" then I decided to rub every ones nose in how wimpy we have become .
The truth is that men and women have had their equal place in the scheme of things all through history. They are equal, OPPOSITE halves of a whole, the role of the woman , because of how she is built is to run the house, bear and raise children. They are responsible for the healing arts, herbalism, teaching and other things that involve emotion. poetry and romance were invented to impress women.
Mans place has been to support the house, hunting, defending, building, that's why men develop more muscle mass than REAL women. And in NORMAL times man is the undisputed leader of the pair because man works on logic instead of emotion.
This society that we have created that requires both parents to work outside the home has disturbed that balance and we are paying the price for it with crime because of an illogical emotion based legal system that thinks "punishment" is mean.
That is why we are being invaded by Mexico, because actually enforcing our immigration laws isn't "fair" to a bunch of people who screwed up their own country and now they want to do the same thing somewhere else, like slash and burn farmers.
We're paying for it with a worthless education system because comparative testing makes the dumb and the lazy "feel bad", it's not "empowering",we are paying for it with a budget deficit that is heading toward 3 times the total value of all production on the planet, because every dead beat, leach, and loser "deserves".
 Well hey, tough. Life is hard and just like capitalism in business, in the real world not every one succeeds and the ones don't die.
I know some one will bring up Queen Elizabeth, Queen Victoria, Golda Meir, Margret Thatcher etc etc. They were flukes, that's why they stand out from the crowd. You want to see where we are headed with our "gender neutral" society ? They have been governed by effeminate twits for a 1000 years, more concerned with their curls and their "pagentry" than accomplishing anything of actual substance. And they have been broke for about 800 years , they are the only European nation to loose a war with MEXICO. France is a joke and we are heading down the same path.


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2009, 01:21:33 AM »
I'm not really sure how to respond to that other than to say you would be well advised to avoid most of my female friends lest they demonstrate the "healing arts" in a manner involving sharp objects expertly applied (my sort of girl friend/friendly friend is a trauma surgeon) or perhaps you'd give her a chance to answer her questions about the wound channels caused by +p 9mm vs .45 based on side by side comparison so she can finally decide which glock she'll keep and which she'll sell .(Maybe now she'll give it to me since she'll realize what an enlightened sort I am ;D). Seriously dude, the Taliban is hiring, chill. Our bodies are shells  with limitations that say what we can't do, not what we must do. Soul, mind, intellect, will, this is what makes us who we are as individuals. The rest is just cullturally constructed static, buttressed with ex-post facto arguments to justify the positions of those who are sittng fat and jhappy at the moment. I like beer and girls jumping on trampolines as much as the next guy, but lets remember thatpre-sufferage we also got Buchanan and Grant. Unless you want a short brunette to show up at your house and duct tape you to a chair to watch endless hours of the view, broken up only by interludes of viewing naked pictures of Rosie, chill.
fightingquaker13 who is concerned for your man parts if marshalette reads your post


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #25 on: Today at 08:06:39 AM »


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2009, 10:56:42 AM »
 I think if M'ette read what I said she would be forced to agree with me. All existence is a matter of balance. We get growing seasons based on a balance between temperature and light, Good can not exist with out the existence of evil, the fertility of the (feminine) Earth would produce nothing with out the warmth and light provided by the (masculine) Sun.
While other countries may have provided an occasion "freak of nature" (exceptions that prove the rule ) like Cathrine the Great or Indira Gandhi, Women in American politics have proven to be a so far unmitigated disaster. They have provided an uninterrupted line of poor judgment from Jennette Rankin and Margret Chase Smith, right up to Nancy Pelosi and Olympia Snow.
Catering to the emotionalism that women bring to politics, which should be governed by reason, logic and historical precedent, has given us, Prohibition, (that worked out well), removal of prayer from schools (O'Hare who later recanted on her opinions ), Abortion, The number one smoke screen issue of the last 40 years, the give away of ridiculous amounts of money in self defeating "welfare" subsidies that encourage low income women to stay home and be brood sows for increased bennies. There are probably many other examples but I'm posting off the top of my head and they come to mind, but I think these are sufficient to make my point that the "balance" has been skewed and we are seeing the results around us.


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2009, 07:13:16 PM »
Got to jump in here to point out a point of disagreement, just the readers are clear where we stand.

Not that anyone really gives two do-diddys about what you or I think, but go ahead.....

Not that I want argue because you're entitled to your opinion
....that's good to know but I guess you're going to pick a fight with me anyway..... ;)

The thing is that what coroner is talkng about isn't "feminism pushed to extremes" its just the reaction of someone who knows or thinks, that a woman has to work twice as hard and be twice as tough as a man to be taken seriously as a supervisor.

Well, uh, I hate to be contradictory here, but look at his response to me....

 As I said before, you reap what you sow.

What?! I can assure you that I am no proprietor of agrarian social discord!

I AM NOT saying we need to guilty or anything remotely like it.

I don't know- it kind of reads like that is what you are suggesting....

Maybe its a generational thing but I don't want a woman who'll let a man do for her. I want someone who is as strong tough and stubborn as me.

I hope that someday you come to appreciate the wisdom buried in my statements. I had to do alot of seeking, thinking, asking, listening and living to come to that point.....

I think that gender is as meaningless as race, other than the irrelvant biological trivia and the whole toliet seat issue.....

Really? I tried that when I was younger on my auto insurance and the agent just smiled and told me the statistics stated otherwise and that young men tend to be more reckless than young women. So I had to pay up....Also, that statement comes from a long discredited view of the sexes. Only the most strident of feminists and their proteges still embrace that view....


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2009, 07:20:28 PM »
What a load of crap.  Look at the Presidents we had BEFORE women got the vote, Lincoln, TR REAL statesmen, look what we've had since. Kennedy, carter, Clinton,now this piece of crap. That turd Kerry got votes because he "had nice hair".
The excessive female influence on America culture is why we are over run with genderless touchy feely metrosexual slugs.
The average American "male" (I will not call them "men" because they aren't) has only 2 things on his mind, nailing some twenty something bimbo with big boobs and pacifying the domineering pseudo dyke he's married to.
Think I'm wrong, what's all this "uni sex" crap, hair stylists,  30 brands each of deodorant, after shave, etc. If you fart at a bean supper you'll be just about run out of town.
The genders have their places in the world, you can't saw a chicken into lumber and you can't fry a tree.
I'm a MAN, I EARN my living by WORKING, I burp and fart and when I sweat I stink. I don't respect phonies, and I think Nancy Pelosi's husband would back hand if he had any balls left but he's from Ca.
and any one offended by that can kiss my unperfumed, butt.

Rant Off  ;D
I started this post disgusted by the attitude of "all hail the sacred female" then I decided to rub every ones nose in how wimpy we have become .
The truth is that men and women have had their equal place in the scheme of things all through history. They are equal, OPPOSITE halves of a whole, the role of the woman , because of how she is built is to run the house, bear and raise children. They are responsible for the healing arts, herbalism, teaching and other things that involve emotion. poetry and romance were invented to impress women.
Mans place has been to support the house, hunting, defending, building, that's why men develop more muscle mass than REAL women. And in NORMAL times man is the undisputed leader of the pair because man works on logic instead of emotion.
This society that we have created that requires both parents to work outside the home has disturbed that balance and we are paying the price for it with crime because of an illogical emotion based legal system that thinks "punishment" is mean.
That is why we are being invaded by Mexico, because actually enforcing our immigration laws isn't "fair" to a bunch of people who screwed up their own country and now they want to do the same thing somewhere else, like slash and burn farmers.
We're paying for it with a worthless education system because comparative testing makes the dumb and the lazy "feel bad", it's not "empowering",we are paying for it with a budget deficit that is heading toward 3 times the total value of all production on the planet, because every dead beat, leach, and loser "deserves".
 Well hey, tough. Life is hard and just like capitalism in business, in the real world not every one succeeds and the ones don't die.
I know some one will bring up Queen Elizabeth, Queen Victoria, Golda Meir, Margret Thatcher etc etc. They were flukes, that's why they stand out from the crowd. You want to see where we are headed with our "gender neutral" society ? They have been governed by effeminate twits for a 1000 years, more concerned with their curls and their "pagentry" than accomplishing anything of actual substance. And they have been broke for about 800 years , they are the only European nation to loose a war with MEXICO. France is a joke and we are heading down the same path.

Oh Thomas! There have been plenty of women who have helped bring our society to its current enlightened state. For example, let's look at Madonna.

She harnessed all of the messages from the feminists of the 1960's and put it on display for all to see starting in the '80's. Madonna is a very savvy businesswoman too. I don't know of anyone, other than Mick Jagger, who has been able to reinvent themselves time and again. And let's not forget that Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Katy Perry, Angelina Jolie, and other notable young women pay homage to her every time the come into the public eye.

 ;)  ;)  ;D  ;D


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2009, 07:41:02 PM »
Oh Thomas! There have been plenty of women who have helped bring our society to its current enlightened state. For example, let's look at Madonna.

She harnessed all of the messages from the feminists of the 1960's and put it on display for all to see starting in the '80's. Madonna is a very savvy businesswoman too. I don't know of anyone, other than Mick Jagger, who has been able to reinvent themselves time and again. And let's not forget that Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Katy Perry, Angelina Jolie, and other notable young women pay homage to her every time the come into the public eye.

 ;)  ;)  ;D  ;D

And I wouldn't walk across the street to greet any one of them.

Tom is right in his own neat way. There is a balance, it has nothing to do with jobs per se, but roles we are to play. If a woman is a trauma surgeon with kids at home, well, there is a role she is not playing. And do you think she is any tougher having to be a surgeon in a man's world - tougher than the pioneer women who built this West? They had to do everything a man had to do - drive a wagon, walk (while he quite probably rode a horse) AND take care of the kids, bury them too along the way, educate them, feed them, and everything else that came along. And then build a cabin when they found "home"

The current culture did start developing, away from from one of the norms that built this country, back in the early sixties with permissive child rearing from Dr. Spock. And there was pressure from outside - the late 60's saw the so-called "anti-war" movement which was financed by International Communists - the same ones that back ANSWER and other organizations.

People like Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher achieved their positions after their families were grown. Not the same as a surgeon who leaves the care and feeding of her children to a stranger. For the record, so did I - and I am paying for it now with children who think of themselves as independent but who bleat with the rest of the sheeple. Maybe at a different pitch, but they were Bush-haters along with everyone else in their crowds, saw bho as "hope" for his "change".

So it is not about jobs, it is about roles - and balance. We have lost that balance, and rebuilding after the likes of bho and his ilk will be an uphill climb. Our ancestors could do it. I'm not sure about the current and next generation
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do this to others and I require the same from them"

J.B. Books


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2009, 08:39:33 PM »
Oh Thomas! There have been plenty of women who have helped bring our society to its current enlightened state. For example, let's look at Madonna.

She harnessed all of the messages from the feminists of the 1960's and put it on display for all to see starting in the '80's. Madonna is a very savvy businesswoman too. I don't know of anyone, other than Mick Jagger, who has been able to reinvent themselves time and again. And let's not forget that Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Katy Perry, Angelina Jolie, and other notable young women pay homage to her every time the come into the public eye.

 ;)  ;)  ;D  ;D

Proves my point. $100 million a year says she was indeed a savvy business woman (2nd only to Queen Elizabeth II), but look at her politics, she's naive at best.
By the way , about the "wimpification" of America,5827.0.html


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