Author Topic: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio  (Read 16136 times)


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2009, 11:27:29 PM »
Hee hee!  You guys all crack me up!  No, really!  I'm not exactly sure how or why we got on the whole subject of women with my post topic, but I do know this....I could really stand to be slapped around a bit by Robin Meade, from Headline News for a day!  Anyone want to join me? :D 

Love you guys!  I mean that!  Not in a "homosexual way"...well, maybe a slap on the ass.  But that's how us teammates used to "high fiver" each other.  Remember?  No?  Ahh, hell with it then.  LOL!  Your arguments, rants, & disagreements, on off-subject-topics keep me coming back everyday.  Thanks for such great fun fellas! ;D

"Governments don't live together, people live together.  With governments you don't always get a fair word or a fair fight.  Well, I've come to give you either one.  Or get either one from you."  Josie Wales


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2009, 12:19:27 AM »
Hee hee!  You guys all crack me up!  No, really!  I'm not exactly sure how or why we got on the whole subject of women with my post topic, but I do know this....I could really stand to be slapped around a bit by Robin Meade, from Headline News for a day!  Anyone want to join me? :D 

Love you guys!  I mean that!  Not in a "homosexual way"...well, maybe a slap on the ass.  But that's how us teammates used to "high fiver" each other.  Remember?  No?  Ahh, hell with it then.  LOL!  Your arguments, rants, & disagreements, on off-subject-topics keep me coming back everyday.  Thanks for such great fun fellas! ;D

No problem! I'm glad I could help.....I could use a spankin' from Jane Skinner of FOX News too....  ;)  ;D


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2009, 12:04:19 PM »
Blame Rastus, He got me started  ;D


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2009, 12:47:22 PM »
Blame Rastus, He got me started  ;D

That would require me to reset my default reply from "Its all Tom's fault". Too much trouble and it  still is about nintey percent accurate. ;D


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2009, 04:37:42 PM »
Well I can't use that one so I'm blaming Rastus. ;D


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #35 on: Today at 08:09:22 AM »


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2009, 09:04:14 PM »
Blame Rastus, He got me started  ;D

But you know you love it.

What a load of crap.  Look at the Presidents we had BEFORE women got the vote, Lincoln, TR REAL statesmen, look what we've had since. Kennedy, carter, Clinton,now this piece of crap. That turd Kerry got votes because he "had nice hair".
The excessive female influence on America culture is why we are over run with genderless touchy feely metrosexual slugs.
The average American "male" (I will not call them "men" because they aren't) has only 2 things on his mind, nailing some twenty something bimbo with big boobs and pacifying the domineering pseudo dyke he's married to.
Think I'm wrong, what's all this "uni sex" crap, hair stylists,  30 brands each of deodorant, after shave, etc. If you fart at a bean supper you'll be just about run out of town.
The genders have their places in the world, you can't saw a chicken into lumber and you can't fry a tree.
I'm a MAN, I EARN my living by WORKING, I burp and fart and when I sweat I stink. I don't respect phonies, and I think Nancy Pelosi's husband would back hand if he had any balls left but he's from Ca.
and any one offended by that can kiss my unperfumed, butt.

Rant Off  ;D
I started this post disgusted by the attitude of "all hail the sacred female" then I decided to rub every ones nose in how wimpy we have become .
The truth is that men and women have had their equal place in the scheme of things all through history. They are equal, OPPOSITE halves of a whole, the role of the woman , because of how she is built is to run the house, bear and raise children. They are responsible for the healing arts, herbalism, teaching and other things that involve emotion. poetry and romance were invented to impress women.
Mans place has been to support the house, hunting, defending, building, that's why men develop more muscle mass than REAL women. And in NORMAL times man is the undisputed leader of the pair because man works on logic instead of emotion.
This society that we have created that requires both parents to work outside the home has disturbed that balance and we are paying the price for it with crime because of an illogical emotion based legal system that thinks "punishment" is mean.
That is why we are being invaded by Mexico, because actually enforcing our immigration laws isn't "fair" to a bunch of people who screwed up their own country and now they want to do the same thing somewhere else, like slash and burn farmers.
We're paying for it with a worthless education system because comparative testing makes the dumb and the lazy "feel bad", it's not "empowering",we are paying for it with a budget deficit that is heading toward 3 times the total value of all production on the planet, because every dead beat, leach, and loser "deserves".
 Well hey, tough. Life is hard and just like capitalism in business, in the real world not every one succeeds and the ones don't die.
I know some one will bring up Queen Elizabeth, Queen Victoria, Golda Meir, Margret Thatcher etc etc. They were flukes, that's why they stand out from the crowd. You want to see where we are headed with our "gender neutral" society ? They have been governed by effeminate twits for a 1000 years, more concerned with their curls and their "pagentry" than accomplishing anything of actual substance. And they have been broke for about 800 years , they are the only European nation to loose a war with MEXICO. France is a joke and we are heading down the same path.

Yup.  I'm in on this one.

And I wouldn't walk across the street to greet any one of them.

Tom is right in his own neat way. There is a balance, it has nothing to do with jobs per se, but roles we are to play. If a woman is a trauma surgeon with kids at home, well, there is a role she is not playing. And do you think she is any tougher having to be a surgeon in a man's world - tougher than the pioneer women who built this West? They had to do everything a man had to do - drive a wagon, walk (while he quite probably rode a horse) AND take care of the kids, bury them too along the way, educate them, feed them, and everything else that came along. And then build a cabin when they found "home"

The current culture did start developing, away from from one of the norms that built this country, back in the early sixties with permissive child rearing from Dr. Spock. And there was pressure from outside - the late 60's saw the so-called "anti-war" movement which was financed by International Communists - the same ones that back ANSWER and other organizations.

People like Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher achieved their positions after their families were grown. Not the same as a surgeon who leaves the care and feeding of her children to a stranger. For the record, so did I - and I am paying for it now with children who think of themselves as independent but who bleat with the rest of the sheeple. Maybe at a different pitch, but they were Bush-haters along with everyone else in their crowds, saw bho as "hope" for his "change".

So it is not about jobs, it is about roles - and balance. We have lost that balance, and rebuilding after the likes of bho and his ilk will be an uphill climb. Our ancestors could do it. I'm not sure about the current and next generation

I bet you get things back on track with your children before too long.
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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2009, 04:48:09 PM »

this exercise is in the middle of some guys ranch looking at the map or its in a natural park reservation. stupid media!
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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2009, 08:23:51 PM »


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #38 on: June 09, 2009, 08:48:09 PM »
So whats new there ?
Nothing, but its irritating. I got all pissed off from reading the article thinking that this guy was holding a militia excerize in a suburban neighborhood and was giving us all a bad name. Turns out its a farm in a state forrest who, outside of Sarah Brady, could object to that? This is lying by ommision at its finest.


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Re: Militia group invades Middlefield, Ohio
« Reply #39 on: June 09, 2009, 10:18:16 PM »
I just caught up to here (been busy lately), and noticed the donnybrook about men and women and the vote.  Most here mentioned the '60s, however you can track the road to prohibition to the woman's-right-to-vote starting in the late 1800s.  Now I know I'm gonna step on a few toes, but I'll move forward (hopefully out of range of M'ette and her deer hunting technique).

Here's a news flash (for some):  Men and Women are different.

We could go into all the different ways that they're different, but I don't feel like a joint Biology/Anthropology rant.  Viva la difference.  You can, if you wish to, link the growth of the "daddy state" to the rise of the woman voter.  Speaking in generalities, (as we have to do here when we break a 7 billion+ population down to two elements) women look for security.  If it cannot be found in a mate or husband, she now can cast a vote to secure her security.  Now you can save all the gasps and "how-could-he"s to yourself.  It isn't chauvinism, but biology.  Men don't have babies.  (Don't go there.  It's another thread entirely.)

When America abandoned the original intent of the Constitution, it opened these kind of doors.  It's simple political entropy.
The person who has nothing for which his is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
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