Author Topic: As long as we're posting pron...  (Read 27883 times)


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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2009, 08:26:40 AM »
I have one (Ishy) myself, KPR and I THOUGHT all of the imports were the converted ones.  Is that correct or are there any Ishy .303 around?  I know if it is a 2A that means converted.

Do you have any extra mags for yours?  I have been looking for some.  Mine came with the 12 round.
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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2009, 08:37:30 AM »
KPR, questions, Is the Krag a "work in progress" it looks like the stock is not finished and the trigger guard, if it is there, does not show in the picture
The Egyptian FN 49, Was that the "Hakim" or the "Rashid" I can never keep those 2 straight.
I hope you kept the stock for the Israeli Mauser, those are the rarest of the Mauser variants I understand .
Is the Mannlicher-Berthier M96/13, 8 mm Lebel a shooter ? do you have to reload your own ammo or is some available commercially ?
On the Spanish FR8 what is that tube under the barrel, it LOOKS like a gas tube, but the manual bolt is clearly visible ?

Krag -- bought the 98 Krag in a NRA sporterized other words cut down stock but fortunately the barrel was left intact.  Have finally gathered all the correct metal hardware to restore it but have looked in vain for a good condition stock.  Finally ordered a semi-inletted stock from Boyds.  Just haven't found the time to complete it.

FN49 -- actually it was neither the Hakim or the Rasheed.  Hakim was a 8mm direct impingment (based on the Ljungman), tipping bolt rifle.  The Rasheed was the scaled down verion for the 7.62x39mm.  The FN49 was Diuedonne Saive's predecessor to the FAL.  The bolt and gas system are very similar to the FAL.

Israeli Mauser stock -- I didn't keep it because I bought it in the 80's when they were plentiful, cheap and I was an idiot.  These will be around forever, surely!  Not.

Mannlicher-Berthier -- by maternal grandfather brought this one back after he picked it up in France during WWII.  Never got the story on where/how he got it.  It is 8mm Lebel has the "N" proof for the higher pressure, spitzer bullets.  I have a original box of Remington cartridges that date from the 1950's but will never shoot those as they are worth almost as much as the rifle.  I reload mild charges with Lee dies.  You can get brass occasionally from Graf' is actually quite pleasant to shoot.  Point of interest...I got the Mannlicher, the Trapdoor and a Winchester 97 from him.  My mother used to tell stories that he only fired the the Trapdoor and Mannlicher off on New Year's eve.

FR-8 -- That "gas tube" is actually....a gas/piston tube from the CETME (as is the flash hider and front sight).  It is non-functional and I believe most soliders used it as a storage compartment for cleaning kits.  The end cap for the tube is also the bayonet lug.  The Spanish used the same parts to convert Mausers to 7.62 NATO.  Handy little rifle...they would make a really nice truck gun as they are very compact.  It has quite a bark though with the short barrel and light weight.

Only rifles not shown in the pics are a Golani that I just got and a MSAR StG556 E4 that is on order and I hope is delivered sometime this summer.

Hazcat -- yup...had a complete premature senior moment when I typed .303's the rifle's own fault for confusing me by looking like a No 1 Mk III.  Nope, no extra mags...I think Sarco and SOG had some a while ago but haven't seen them lately.

Last post for a while...changing planes and settling in for the 12 hour leg of the trip.
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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2009, 11:25:24 AM »
Very, Very Nice!!  Bill T.


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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2009, 11:31:38 AM »
 Thanks for the Info, AND the porn.


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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2009, 02:12:17 PM »
Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn!  You win!


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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #25 on: Today at 03:20:12 AM »


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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2009, 03:37:04 PM »
That is the best porn I have seen on here, Thought I was looking at more photos of the NRA Museum!!! Wow'd again.  :o


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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2009, 08:03:09 PM »
Can I be your shootin buddy, because we all need friends like you. ;D
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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2009, 08:33:51 PM »
I have one (Ishy) myself, KPR and I THOUGHT all of the imports were the converted ones.  Is that correct or are there any Ishy .303 around?  I know if it is a 2A that means converted.

Do you have any extra mags for yours?  I have been looking for some.  Mine came with the 12 round.

Sorry guys, but the 7.62 NATO Ishy is not a conversion. According to an article in the "1993 Guns Illustrated" the NoI MkIII reciever was not strong enough to handle the pressure of the NATO round. Since India didn't really have the money to purchase the FAL in quantity, and they did have a factory that had been making the .303 NoI MkIII since 1907, they decided that a stronger receiver on the NoI MkIII pattern would have to suffice. Except for the obvious differences the internal parts of both rifles are supposed to be interchangable.
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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2009, 08:43:02 AM »
For shooter32

Just got off the plane from Brazil and drove home from O'Hare.  Good to be back in the USA...have a good 4th all and remember how blessed we are to have what is left of our Independence.

Here's the handguns and shotguns...I'm not as much in to these as I am rifles and I haven't yet laid out the identification for each picture.  Maybe later

Finnish M28 9x19 mm
Walther P1 9x19 mm
Romanian Tokarev 7.62x25 mm
Makarov 9x18mm
CZ52 7.62x25 mm
CZ82 9x18 mm
Star BM 9x19mm

Ruger Blackhawk, .45 Colt
Ruger Vaquero, .45 Colt
Ruger Vaquero, .45 Colt
Pietta .22LR
S&W M1917, .45 ACP
Colt King Cobra, .357 Magnum
Nagant, 7.62 Nagant
Pietta 1851 Colt repro, .36 blackpowder

 EAA / Tanfoglio Witness 10mm, .45 ACP, 9x19 mm
Ruger Mk II, .22 LR
HK P7 PSP, 9x19mm
Les Baer Premier II, .45 ACP
Colt Combat Commander, .45 ACP
ParaOrd 14.45 LDA Ltd, .45 ACP
Dan Wesson CBOB, .45 ACP
Kimber Target Match, .45 ACP, Marvel .22 LR Conversion
FN Hi Power, 9x19 mm
Springfield Armory XD Tactical, .45 ACP
Sig Sauer P226, .40 S&W
Sig Sauer P220, .45 ACP


Saiga-12 12 ga
Mossberg 500 12 ga
Mossberg500 12 ga
Stoeger Coach Gun 12 ga


Repeat of the Mossbergs
Remington 870 Express 20 ga
Remington 870 12 ga
Remington 1100 12 ga
Langer 2097 12 ga
Fausti 20 ga

Browning BPS 20 ga
Winchester Model 12 12 ga
Winchester 1897 12 ga
Repeat of the Stoeger
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Re: As long as we're posting pron...
« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2009, 08:57:49 AM »
For shooter32

Just got off the plane from Brazil and drove home from O'Hare.  Good to be back in the USA...have a good 4th all and remember how blessed we are to have what is left of our Independence.

Here's the handguns and shotguns...I'm not as much in to these as I am rifles and I haven't yet laid out the identification for each picture.  Maybe later

Finnish M28 9x19 mm
Walther P1 9x19 mm
Romanian Tokarev 7.62x25 mm
Makarov 9x18mm
CZ52 7.62x25 mm
CZ82 9x18 mm
Star BM 9x19mm
Ruger Blackhawk, .45 Colt
Ruger Vaquero, .45 Colt
Ruger Vaquero, .45 Colt
Pietta .22LR
S&W M1927, .45 ACP
Colt King Cobra, .357 Magnum
Nagant, 7.62 Nagant
Pietta 1851 Colt repro, .36 blackpowder


Damn, I just hate you soooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Can I please be your friend? ? ? ?    ;D  ;D  ;D
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