For shooter32
Just got off the plane from Brazil and drove home from O'Hare. Good to be back in the USA...have a good 4th all and remember how blessed we are to have what is left of our Independence.
Here's the handguns and shotguns...I'm not as much in to these as I am rifles and I haven't yet laid out the identification for each picture. Maybe later

Finnish M28 9x19 mm
Walther P1 9x19 mm
Romanian Tokarev 7.62x25 mm
Makarov 9x18mm
CZ52 7.62x25 mm
CZ82 9x18 mm
Star BM 9x19mm

Ruger Blackhawk, .45 Colt
Ruger Vaquero, .45 Colt
Ruger Vaquero, .45 Colt
Pietta .22LR
S&W M1917, .45 ACP
Colt King Cobra, .357 Magnum
Nagant, 7.62 Nagant
Pietta 1851 Colt repro, .36 blackpowder

EAA / Tanfoglio Witness 10mm, .45 ACP, 9x19 mm
Ruger Mk II, .22 LR
HK P7 PSP, 9x19mm
Les Baer Premier II, .45 ACP
Colt Combat Commander, .45 ACP
ParaOrd 14.45 LDA Ltd, .45 ACP
Dan Wesson CBOB, .45 ACP
Kimber Target Match, .45 ACP, Marvel .22 LR Conversion
FN Hi Power, 9x19 mm
Springfield Armory XD Tactical, .45 ACP
Sig Sauer P226, .40 S&W
Sig Sauer P220, .45 ACP

Saiga-12 12 ga
Mossberg 500 12 ga
Mossberg500 12 ga
Stoeger Coach Gun 12 ga

Repeat of the Mossbergs
Remington 870 Express 20 ga
Remington 870 12 ga
Remington 1100 12 ga
Langer 2097 12 ga
Fausti 20 ga

Browning BPS 20 ga
Winchester Model 12 12 ga
Winchester 1897 12 ga
Repeat of the Stoeger