Harden Up Your Strategies and Tactics!

Different harder times require a reevaluation of your own strategies and tactics. Michael recommends the great work of the late Dr. William Aprill for a start, but you’re going to have to do the heavy lifting yourself!

MichaelBane.TV – On the Radio episode #236.
Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed here are our own and may not represent those of the companies we represent or any entities affiliated to it.

Defensive Training International/John & Vicki Farnam

FlexCCarry Solutions/Vicki Farnam

Dr. William Aprill Violent Criminal Actors Series, PDN, Rob Pincus

Where Might You Find a Culture of Honor?/Steven J. Heine, Cultural Psychology

The Music of HillTopTrio

RED DAWN (1984)


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