RIA’s 9mm STKs New Generation

The new line of Rock Island Armory’s newest generation STK 9mm striker-fired pistols are now available. With upgraded features, a good trigger, a 1911 grip angle, three available sizes and a perfectly textured aluminum frame, RIA offers a viable alternative to polymer framed pistols!

MichaelBane.TV – On the Radio episode #261.
Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed here are our own and may not represent those of the companies we represent or any entities affiliated to it.

Rock Island STK 9mm Pistols

Riton Optics Red Dots

TRIGGERED Episode on the first STK100

MB’s Blogpost on the Original STK100

G&A Review of Original STK100

MTM Case-Gard Shooting Range Cases

The Music of Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum’s legendary calypso album

The Music of Tony Petersen


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