SHOT Show 2020 and What’s New and Ahead


This week, it’s all about new products and the 80 pound gorilla in the room, the impending SHOT SHOW!

MichaelBane.TV – On the Radio episode # 1.
Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed here are our own and may not represent those of the companies we represent or any entities affiliated to it.

Host: Michael Bane
Producer: Flying Dragon Ltd.

More information and reference links:

“Record Gun Sales in 2019; NICS at all time high”/Paul Bedard

Glock 44 .22LR

Ruger New Firearms:

Speer 5.7 x 28 Self Defense Ammo

Colt Python

“Anaconda” IMDB

KRISS Vector .22LR

Mossberg 940 JM PRO shotgun

Savage Renegauge 12 gauge semiauto

ReCover Tactical

Flux Defense

CAA Roni & Micro Roni

Black Aces Tactical Lever Action Shotgun

The Music of Roy Young

The Music of Steve Poloni

The Music of Max H

Angstadt Arms

HK New MP-5

“The Long Pistol Shot in a Time of War”/Gabe Suarez

“Fortuitous Outcomes — Lesson Learned”/Gabe Suarez

“On Active Shooters in Churches”/Michael Bane

“Sheriff’s Tips: The Failure Drill Revisited”/Sheriff Jim Wilson

“The Face is the New Target”/Gabe Suarez


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