Tag: Cecil Burch


World Class Revolver Training!

Last year’s Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE brought together the best revolver trainers in the world, and you can only see it here at TRIGGERED! Here’s our first report!

Revolvers Still Rule!

Our second installment from the Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE, including some great instructional tips from Cecil Burch, Mark Frickie and Caleb Giddings…exclusively on TRIGGERED!

Run or Fight? Well, It Depends…

There are no easy answers in self-defense — each violent encounter is unique, fluid, responding to factors that you as the defender can’t know and chocked full of hidden “surprises.” So what is a smart defender to do? Pay attention…it’s all on you!

Your Best Defense: Advanced Riot Survival

This week on Triggered we present a new addition: YOUR BEST DEFENSE. Michael Bane and co-host Mike Seeklander welcome Cecil Burch, BJJ master and member of the ShivWorks Collective for an in-depth look at surviving modern America.