Tag: Cecil Burch


Revolvers Still Rule!

Our second installment from the Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE, including some great instructional tips from Cecil Burch, Mark Frickie and Caleb Giddings…exclusively on TRIGGERED!

Run or Fight? Well, It Depends…

There are no easy answers in self-defense — each violent encounter is unique, fluid, responding to factors that you as the defender can’t know and chocked full of hidden “surprises.” So what is a smart defender to do? Pay attention…it’s all on you!

Your Best Defense: Advanced Riot Survival

This week on Triggered we present a new addition: YOUR BEST DEFENSE. Michael Bane and co-host Mike Seeklander welcome Cecil Burch, BJJ master and member of the ShivWorks Collective for an in-depth look at surviving modern America.