Tag: Michael Bane Podcast
John Ross, R.I.P.
This week, we note the untimely passing of author John Ross, whose 1996 book, “Unintended Consequences,” has a profound effect on America’s gun culture. Also, the first updates on shooting the Henry lever action “utility shotgun” .410.
1895 Grail Gun Coming Home!
This week we touch on the upcoming ATF rules on so-called “Ghost Guns.” But the big news is the 1895 “Medicine Gun for Lions” Winchester .405 lever gun will be coming home soon, thanks to Andy Larsson at Skinner Sights.
Preparing for the New World
As we have discussed in the past, the “landscape” for civilian self-defense has changed significantly in the last 2 1/2 years, and it is up to you to understand how those changes effect you and your family’s safety.
A New Bite Out Of Our Gun Rights!
This week Michael discusses the new — and probably unConstitutional — rules promulgated by the ATF on 80% guns and the very definition of firearms. Also, some thoughts on elder safety that don’t involve blowing a whistle and screaming.
This week Michael recounts his week at GUNSITE with old friends and great instructors. Plus, the Tisas PX-9 proves itself to be a solid, reliable pistol after 1000 rounds.
A Whirlwind of New Projects
This week, Michael brings the listeners up to speed on projects that come flying in over the transom, included a new 22/45-compatible frame, the KRAKEN, from TANDEMKROSS.
Getting Deeper Into Concealment!
This week, a few more thoughts on what .22 trumps the .32 auto, especially if you shoot the little beasts!
Thinking About Deep Concealment
This week an eclectic mix of subjects, from Constitutional Carry to deep concealment handguns to Leupold custom scope dials.
Fiddling With Guns
Michael spends a snowy weekend working with guns, including his Tactical Solutions rimfire and Ruger race guns.
Tertiary Effects of War?
With a “hot” war in Europe and threats of nuclear attacks, what do we as preppers need to be focused on? Also, a lighthearted (finally) review of a quick trip to Santa Fe.