Tag: Michael Bane Podcast

The Future is…Convergence

This week Michael worries about autumn and ponders the convergence of optics, ballistic computers and apps. Plus, sage words from Larry Potterfield on gun safety!

Gun Safety on Media Sets!

With the tragic shooting on the set of the movie RUST, Michael steps you through how safety is supposed to work on television and movie sets and how it is different from range and match safety standards.

Great Binoculars — Maven B.3!

This week Michael talks about a great set of binoculars, the Maven B.3 compacts, plus some thoughts on keeping the pantry full during supply chain disruptions.

The Perfect Hiking Load-Out?

This week we talk about getting out on the trails to take advantage of the beautiful autumn weather and how those hikes change your EDC.

It’s Concealed Carry Expo Time!

Michael travels to Ft. Worth, located in the free republic of Texas, for the United States Concealed Carry Association EXPO. Here’s why the work that the USCCA has been doing so well is important to all of us.

Murder Soars!

The murder rate in America rose almost 30% in 2020, says the FBI’s newest stats. What does that mean for your personal self-defense? Also, the new Primary Arms SLx MicroPrisim sight gets its first test in competition.

Awash in Propaganda!

What is propaganda and how does it work? Here’s the answer, but don’t say it on Facebook or you’ll join Michael in “jail.”

Always Be Ready for the Second Move!

First, a couple of great small companies — the Henning Group and Targets USA, then some self-defense thinking for the New World.

Australia — Gone in 60 Seconds!

How quickly can a First World country fall in totalitarianism? Check out Australia. And before you get all gloomy, let’s shoot some new guns from Rock Island and SAS Imports.

Pocket Pistol Training

This week, in addition to comments on last week’s controversial podcast, Michael looks at how carrying a pocket pistol changes how a person should train.