Tag: michaelbane.tv

Taurus’ G3 Platform Expands Up

Regular sponsor Taurus had two major releases at the NRA Show in Houston— the Executive Grade 856 Defender revolver we cover on this week’s TRIGGERED and the G3 Tactical, a major expansion/upgrade of the best-selling G3 9mm line. Michael touches on the history and the reasons behind the success one of the best-selling guns in America.

NRA Houston!

This week Michael covers the NRA Convention in Houston last weekend, including the introduction of the Taurus Executive Grade 856 Defender revolver, an upgrade of a gun Michael thought was almost perfect! Also, the 8.6 Blackout revolution…maybe…

More Thoughts on Buffalo Shooting

This week we’re talking about more of the lessons learned from an increasingly violent America…why you need a “space in your head” to accept that violence could indeed happen to you!

Monsters Rise to the Bait

This week we look at the consequences of years of “chumming for monsters,” as monsters of all varieties rise to the taste of blood. We also take a more indepth look at Rob Pincus’ Intuitive Defensive Shooting concepts.

Africa, Anyone?

This week Michael reviews Sue Tidwell’s book CRIES OF THE SAVANNA, a hunting book for non-hunters. Also, a quick look at where we are and how you can be ready for the next attack of the black swans!

John Ross, R.I.P.

This week, we note the untimely passing of author John Ross, whose 1996 book, “Unintended Consequences,” has a profound effect on America’s gun culture. Also, the first updates on shooting the Henry lever action “utility shotgun” .410.

1895 Grail Gun Coming Home!

This week we touch on the upcoming ATF rules on so-called “Ghost Guns.” But the big news is the 1895 “Medicine Gun for Lions” Winchester .405 lever gun will be coming home soon, thanks to Andy Larsson at Skinner Sights.

Preparing for the New World

As we have discussed in the past, the “landscape” for civilian self-defense has changed significantly in the last 2 1/2 years, and it is up to you to understand how those changes effect you and your family’s safety.

A New Bite Out Of Our Gun Rights!

This week Michael discusses the new — and probably unConstitutional — rules promulgated by the ATF on 80% guns and the very definition of firearms. Also, some thoughts on elder safety that don’t involve blowing a whistle and screaming.


This week Michael recounts his week at GUNSITE with old friends and great instructors. Plus, the Tisas PX-9 proves itself to be a solid, reliable pistol after 1000 rounds.