Tag: michaelbane.tv
Some Rant-less Thoughts on Rules
This week Michael talks about the upcoming battles on gun control, some thoughts about the difference between the map and the territory.
Reconsidering the .22 As A Home Defense Tool
This week we talk about the possibility of using a .22 rifle as a home defense firearm, pluses and minuses. Of course, there’s also a bit of info on the never-ending virus emergency. And, finally, a tribute to the great Charlie Daniels.
Getting Away From the Mob
This week the focus of our Independence Day special is protecting yourself and your family. In addition to bringing you up to date on Michael’s gun projects,we also close, as always, with Rudyard Kipling’s Gods of the Copybook Headings.
Turning the Self-Defense Recalibration Dial
This week Michael continues to outline how we all have to recalibrate our self-defense plans and strategies in the face the on-going COVID emergency coupled with persistent rioting.
Someone Is Always Watching
This week we continue to look at changing self-defense strategies brought on by the continuing unrest in America.
Hard Facts for Hard Times
This week Michael starts the discussion on how the nature of self-defense will change if the Left succeeds in its war on police.
America on the Brink… again
Once again we are faced with breathtakingly violent urban riots, and it is incumbent on every person to know the best ways to keep them and their families safe! This is an excellent place to start.
Reloading Woes
This week on MBTV ON THE RADIO, it’s fun with Reloading with Michael, and try not to trip over the powder measure on the floor! Also, does the “common good” override the Constitution?
1984, Knocking on Your Door
This week, Michael rounds up some new products, touches on the basics of home security and steps you can take to monitor the rise of the 100% surveillance state.
The Fashionable World of Firearms
This week Michael talks about fashion trends in defensive handguns.