Tag: Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up


World Class Revolver Training!

Last year’s Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE brought together the best revolver trainers in the world, and you can only see it here at TRIGGERED! Here’s our first report!

Another Successful Revolver Round-Up!

The Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE has become one of the most respected revolver training events in the world, and this years was no different. Michael has all the inside info.

Why Revolvers Matter

We continue our coverage of the Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up with some specific gear and concepts you can use.

The Best Revolver Training…Period!

We begin our exclusive video coverage of the Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE! Plenty more coverage coming in January 2024!

Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up!

Only on michaelbane.tv! This week we're attending the country's greatest gathering of revolver trainers, the Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE. This is truly a unique event..this week's podcast is the beginning of our coverage.

Why 3-Inch Revolvers Just Work

The 3-inch revolver trend continues apace, and Michael thinks that it just makes sense. Our sponsor Taurus have a great — and reasonably priced — series of 3-inch revolvers, and here’s how you choose.

Shooting Gallery: Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up

With the rising trend in revolvers, we take a firsthand look at using the revolver for personal defense from some of the best trainers in the world.

Ultimate Revolver Training Event!

The Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up may well be the ultimate training event for revolver aficionados and anyone looking to up their skills with a wheel gun; also, a blast from the past with “Chef Mike!"

Wheel Go Round!

This week we wrap up the Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up in Dallas, TX! Must hear information on dealing with the snubby revolver.