Tag: Personal Defense Network

The Best from Lucid Ballistics Summit 2023!

Plus, the Second Amendment war in New Mexico! From this year’s Lucid Ballistics Summit…an ultralight “general purpose” Scout chassis, a pump-action AR, Lucid’s blue reticle color, Pincus hits the Buffalo, and the great Ton Jones sets a world record for long-range airgunning!

No One is Coming!

Once again, we look at the Real World™ and we see that more than ever before in our lifetimes, we are on our own. How do we protect ourselves as the situation continues to crumble?

The Avidity PD10 Arrives…With a Bang!

The Avidity Arms PD10, the brainchild of veteran trainer and, for many people, professional gadfly Rob Pincus has arrived in the market…yes, guns are now shipping! Does it live up to the hype?

Monsters Rise to the Bait

This week we look at the consequences of years of “chumming for monsters,” as monsters of all varieties rise to the taste of blood. We also take a more indepth look at Rob Pincus’ Intuitive Defensive Shooting concepts.

Intuitive Defensive Shooting!

This week we look at I.C.E. Training Company’s Intuitive Defensive Shooting class and talk about why this may be the ideal class for the flood of new gun owners.

Do It Yourself Guns For Everyone!

This week Michael does an exclusive interview with Rob Pincus of Personal Defense Network and THE BEST DEFENSE on his work with printing handgun receivers and the upcoming Gun Maker’s Match. Also Ruger’s new MAX-9!