Tag: Shooting Gallery
Shotgun Revival, and Good Baked Beans!
This week Michael talks about the revival of the lowly shotgun as a premiere home defense firearm…plus, a secret look at Michael’s world-class baked beans!
The Big 10 from Turkey!
This week we take a deep dive into the Tisas/SDS Imports D10 “X” — and that’s definitely a capital X — the new 10mm 1911 from Turkey. Everyone who has handled this gun has been…awed. See why!
A round-up on the first filming trip for the new THE BEST DEFENSE series, featuring Rich Nance and Jeremy Stafford, that took place at GUNSITE last week. Prepare to be amazed! Also, the Tisas “X” 10mm wins even more fans.
Training Within Constraints
This week Michael talks about whether your training should change following the Indiana “good guy with a gun” shooting…how do we balance necessary training with everyone’s different constraints?
Wheelgun Wednesday!
This week we take a deeper look at the Executive Grade Taurus 856 and compare to some of Michael’s favorite wheelguns, plus some slick leather to carry them in. In our Your Best Defense segment, what if you’re caught in an active shooter incident?
The Good Guy With a Gun…
Once again, a single good guy with a gun ended a potentially horrific active shooter situation in Indiana. What can we learn?
The New Hotness Revealed!
This week Michael features the Steiner MPS, one of the most in-demand red dot sights in the country. Plus, the Wilson Combat .308 is finally completed, up and running, plus a little bitty boot gun from Heritage.
Self-Defense Under Attack!
This week we talk about self-defense in the macro sense…is the inalienable right of self-defense under attack by the progressive left? Michael argues that yes, it is, and it goes far beyond “gun control.”
The Rossi Gets Short!
Or rather, short-barreled, as Michael legally converts his .44 Magnum Rossi Ranch Hand mare’s leg style pistol into a short barreled rifle through an ATF Form 1. Was it worth it? We’ll let you be the judge.
Normalcy Bias Kills!
This week Michael brings everyone up to date on several projects, then, on a serious note, the importance of reality-based situational awareness. Plus, The Great Independence Day Mouse Attack!