Tag: Shooting Gallery


Taking a Stand on the Stance!

Savage’s new Stance mini-9mm striker-fired pistol is an aggressive entry into a crowded market. But how will a single stack 9mm be received in a larger capacity market? Also, how to save a few bucks on Ruger .22 pistol magazines and our newest feature, Your Best Defense.

Preparing for the New World

As we have discussed in the past, the “landscape” for civilian self-defense has changed significantly in the last 2 1/2 years, and it is up to you to understand how those changes effect you and your family’s safety.

Build You Own Super .22!

The .22 Racegun market has been one of the huge successes of the last few years, and this week we take a look at two of the companies that have made it happen, TACCOM  and TANDEMKROSS.

On Shooting Gallery: Concealed Carry Course with John Murphy

With over 8 million new gun owners in America, a good concealed carry course is essential in filling the gap between shooting skills and all the ancillary support skills every CCW holder should know.

A New Bite Out Of Our Gun Rights!

This week Michael discusses the new — and probably unConstitutional — rules promulgated by the ATF on 80% guns and the very definition of firearms. Also, some thoughts on elder safety that don’t involve blowing a whistle and screaming.

The PX-9 Triumphs at GUNSITE!

This week Michael takes you through his GUNSITE 250 class with a host of ne’er do wells and his Tisas PX-9 Gen 3, which delivered the goods.

On Shooting Gallery: Women’s Only Tactical University

Renowned shooting champion, Tes Salb introduces a new group of women to the physical and mental demands of competing in the Tactical Games.


This week Michael recounts his week at GUNSITE with old friends and great instructors. Plus, the Tisas PX-9 proves itself to be a solid, reliable pistol after 1000 rounds.

On Shooting Gallery: SIG 365 Everyday Carry Championship

SIG Sauer hosts the first ever everyday championship, where new shooters can train and compete in real-world shooting scenarios.

A Whirlwind of New Projects

This week, Michael brings the listeners up to speed on projects that come flying in over the transom, included a new 22/45-compatible frame, the KRAKEN, from TANDEMKROSS.