Tag: Shooting Gallery
Does Barrel Length Matter?
This week Michael spends some quality time with his 6.5 Creedmoor RUGER GUNSITE SCOUT and concludes, “Probably not.” Also, a new red dot sighted!
Crummy Oscars, Rampant Marxism and AKs
This year, 2021, continues to deliver on mass quantities of endless annoyances. This week we do a little ranting about how knife fights have suddenly become West Side Story Redux and a little bit on the utility of crossdraw holsters.
The Russians Are Coming!
This week on Triggered, Michael steps through 2 of the best custom AKs available — the SLR Carbine from D&L Sports and an AK from Fuller Phoenix.
The Gunmaker’s Match Gun Is Going Forward!
Even as the government attempts to define homemade guns out of existence, Michael’s “Glockish” G34 is moving toward completion!
A Fitting Tribute to a Friend
The Jeff Quinn Tribute GP-100, a joint project between Lipsey’s and Ruger, is a fitting memorial to a brilliant talent. Turnbull Restorations can make that gun a true heirloom.
The Gun Control War Heats Up!
This week we’re all gun control all the time as the Biden administration begins its attack on the 2nd Amendment.
Step Up to the VR82!
This week Michael takes a good look at the ARMSCOR/Rock Island Armory VR82, the 20 gauge little brother to the VR80, the magazine-fed semiauto shotgun that took 3-Gun competition by storm. Also, more from TAC-CON 2021, with Chuck Haggard from Agile Training and Consulting on carrying small semiautos.
Shooting Gallery: Secrets of Rimfire Challenge with Kolby Pavlock
Michael Bane visits the cornfields of Iowa to get some Rimfire Challenge tips from a 4-time world champion.
Introducing ARMSCOR’s VR82 20 Gauge
This week we introduce the ARMSCOR/Rock Island VR82 semiauto shotgun, the 20 gauge little brother of the wildly popular VR80 12 gauge. Plus, some carry and training thoughts.
Tac-Con 2021 Is In The Books
And if you weren’t able to get to the Dallas Pistol Club for this critical event, TRIGGERED has you covered! Here’s Michael’s take on the event, with some of the top trainers in the country.