Tag: Shooting Gallery
Can the Home Defender Defend a Home?
The long-barreled Taurus Judge offers an advantage over any shorter barreled .410s, especially with 3-inch buckshot loads. Also Tisas’ high-value PX-9 and excellent new products from MTM Case-Gard and Streamlight!
Judging the New Judge
This week Michael wades into the ever-popular .410 as a potential self-defense cartridge and Taurus’ new 13-inch Home Defender.
What’s So Cool About the .32 H&R?
The introduction of the new S&W Ultimate Carry J-Frame in .32 H&R triggered a flood of questions, and this week Michael tries to answer at least a few of them!
Things You Definitely Need!
That’s right…this week is Catch Up on All the New products on Michael's Desk week.
Wringing Out the S&W UC!
The top snubby revolver experts in the country met at Lipsey’s in Baton Rouge last week for hands-on with the runaway handgun hit of SHOT 2024, the Lipsey’s/Smith & Wesson Ultimate Carry J-frame revolver. The results were nothing short of spectacular!
Is This the Ultimate Snubnose Revolver?
Lipsey’s/Smith & Wesson’s introduction of the Ultimate Carry J-Frame at SHOT 2024 was the surprise handgun hit of the Show. Michael was among the first to get his hands on the guns in an exclusive event at Lipsey’s and the Range Ready facility in Louisiana. Short story — a truly ground-breaking pocket revolver!
An Ideal Revolver?
The new line of Rossi revolvers is a great opportunity for people looking to try a revolver without breaking the bank. Also, some thoughts on becoming invisible.
Rossi’s Best Buy Revolver
Rolled out just before SHOT, Rossi’s 3 new .357/.38 revolvers offer a huge value for the money. The pick of the litter, as it were, is the 3-inch RP63, the gun you definitely need. From the SHOT Show, another surprise — Diamondback’s Self-Defense Revolver, SDR, a revolver that seems destined for success.
Reaching the 99% of Gun Owners!
Too often our training focus is on the 1% of shooters who readily sign up for training, while overlooking the 99% of gun owners who really need the training! How do we balance this out? Michael has some thoughts...
SHOT Madness Continues!
Our second show on what’s new and fascinating at SHOT 2024! From larger capacity polymer-framed 2011 style guns to beautiful blue Colt Pythons, this year’s SHOT Show has it all…just ask Michael’s VISA card!