The NRA Has Its Say!

This year’s NRA meetings in Dallas took place in a world of controversy. After many contentious words, Doug Hamlin, who had headed up the Publications Division — one of the only NRA Divisions to actually make money — ended up CEO and new Vice President, replacing the disgraced Wayne Lapierre after a brilliant strategy headed up by GUNSITE head and NRA Board of Directors Member Buz Mills.

Michael recently had a chance to interview Doug Hamlin, asking questions that had been submitted by viewers/listeners. We have decided to run the video of the 40 minute interview unedited.

Triggered previously SGO and Down Range TV covers in depth topics and products related to shooting sports and personal defense. Host Michael Bane covers new products from the firearms industry like no other.

National Rifle Association

Jim Shepherd Interviews Doug Hamlin

Tom Gresham Interviews Doug Hamlin

Cam Edwards Interviews Doug Hamlin


  1. Every gun owner should see this interview with Mr. Hamlin. I am a life member of the NRA. I had decided after the exposure of the corruption instigated by Mr. LaPierre, that I would not give any more money or support to the NRA until transparency was established. After watching your interview with Mr. Hamlin, I feel he will put the NRA back on track.


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