We Need Your Voices to Protect the 2A!

This week, it is of critical importance that you speak out against the ATF’s convoluted, intentionally vague attack on home built firearms and virtually everything else!

MichaelBane.TV – On the Radio episode #71.
Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed here are our own and may not represent those of the companies we represent or any entities affiliated to it.

Host: Michael Bane
Producer: Flying Dragon Ltd.

More information and reference links:

ATF’s Proposed Rules Threaten a Legal Mess but No End to Ghost Guns/J.D. Tuccille

ATF Has Published New Receiver Definition…/TTAG


CONTROVERSIAL! We Need to Create Loopholes in Any “Ghost Gun” Regulations/TTAG

Street Violence as a Political Tool/Lee Smith

The Very Real Danger of Politically Sanction Violence/Michael Bane

A Car Gun for Riot Defense/Greg Ellifritz

Legal Considerations of Self-Defense in a Riot/Marty Hayes

The Music of Tav Falco

The Music of Moloach


  1. I contacted the BATFE’s with my comment about the proposed rules changes. Like you have said, it might not make a difference, but we can’t simply lay down and let ourselves get steamrollered. I can’t imagine the founding fathers giving up without a fight. In fact, we both know what they would have done.
    Obviously that is not going to happen in this day and age. However, I have learned in life to never say never. I went through a divorce after 11 years of marriage, and swore, never again would I get married. My wife and I will be celebrating 29 years of marriage this fall.


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